Name: Jaques Bouvier Jr.Origin: French
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Human
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: LilacEye Color: Purple
Skin tone: Pink/Light
Tattoos: Butterfly; Inside of Right Wrist
Scars: No major ones
Body Modifications: None
Piercings: Ears (Lobes)
Likes: Butterflies, Purple, Long Hair, The Sky, The Outdoors, Lilacs, Irises.Dislikes: Arrogance, Authority, His Father, People who belong in a higher social class, Fish.
Fears: Being Alone
Pet-peeves: Tapping Noises, Dropping things
Weaknesses: Being isolated in a room.
Nationality: French-American
Mother: Janey Taylor / Secretary
Father: Jaques Bouvier / CEO
Occupation: Unemployed
Financial Status/Social Class: $500,000+, High-Class
Biography: Jaques was born to his parents on June 5th. His parents were both of high class and were living in France at the time. He grew up there and moved to America around the age of fifteen. He knew both English and French at the time since his parents spoke both languages. The change was easy for him, but he spent most of his time inside being tended to by nannies and private tutors. Both his parents were very busy, which didn't allow for much "family time". The loneliness he felt didn't really bother him until it came time for him to move out. This is when he really figured out how alone he felt and used other people to help comfort him.